Summer school of cybercriminality 2024

5th annual

8. - 13. 7. 2024

UPJS education and training center
Danišovce (region Spišská Nová Ves)

Summer school of cybercriminality is a five-day intensive training program for students of computer science, law, or related fields from Slovak and Czech universitiesfocused on information and cybersecurity.

In lectures and practical workshops, the students will familiarize themselves with basic aspects of cybersecurity, network attacks analysis, and malware detection.
With experienced instructors, participants will address simple or more complex security incidents from both a technical and legal perspective. They will experience a simulated cybercrime investigation and forensic analysis.
In conclusion, the working teams will analyse legal issues related to information technologies.

Summer school of cybercriminality is free of charge for the participants.


Organisational support

The following are involved in the project


Problem identification using SOC
Incident handling
Digital evidence gathering
Digital forensic analysis
Malware analysis
OSINT for criminal investigations
Effective incident management
Law aspects of cyber security
Reporting security incidents
Computer crime and criminal procedure
Criminal investigation
Digital evidence from legal perspective
Personal data procetion and communication with Office for Personal Data Protection
Communication with media

In addition, we have a Pub Quiz and a trip (Spiš Castle/Slovak Paradise) coming up.

Speakers SSC 2024

2FA a PM na sirku 1
Ján Kopriva, TBD
2FA a PM na sirku 1
Ján Kopriva
2FA a PM na sirku 1
Ján Kopriva
2FA a PM na sirku 1
Ján Kopriva
Cooperation of students

Five four-member teams are formed during the training camp. Each team consists of two computer science students and two law students.

The team works together to solve tasks, whether it is predominantly a technical task or a legal problem. Each task requires understanding and solving the problem from an IT and legal perspectives. Thus, students become familiar with different areas, gain practical experience and learn to solve cybersecurity problems together.

Professional development

The program offers a variety of benefits for both computer science and law students. Computer science students will gain valuable insights into cybercrime and forensic analysis, while law students will learn about computer crime and information and communication technology law. This knowledge will be essential for future lawyers, who will need to understand the legal implications of cybercrime and be able to effectively prosecute these cases. Computer scientists will also benefit from the program, as they will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to work in the field of cybersecurity.

Graduates of the Summer School of Cybercrime will gain knowledge and practical experience that will advance their professional growth. They may not yet be ready for all the tasks of a security analyst or cybercrime expert, but they have a chance to embark on a stellar career in the profession of the future.

Support of SSC 2024

The budget for the Summer School of Cybercrime covers the costs of student and lecturer accommodation, meals, and materials. We are grateful to our partners for their generous support, which helps us to make this program possible.